Connecticut Nursery & Landscape Association
“CNLA’s mission is to promote, enhance and protect Connecticut’s green industries.”
“CNLA’s vision is to be a trusted resource for Connecticut’s nursery and landscape professionals.”
CNLA is the state trade association that represents Connecticut’s nurseries, garden centers, landscapers, nursery and perennial growers, and landscape designers.
Our nursery/landscape industry grosses more than $800 million annually, and employs some 30,000 people. CNLA has over 1,700 individuals that are employed or serving our 200+ companies members.
CNLA has an annual educational/certification program that meets in August each year and runs 13 weeks into November.
CNLA also has two trade shows annually, the Winter Symposium in January, and the Summer Field Day (outdoors) in July. Both events feature exhibits of companies selling to the industry wholesale and educational programs.
The annual PlantConnecticut program, held each October, is the industry’s donation of landscaping to the state. A nonprofit site is selected, and a crew of volunteer landscapers totally re-landscapes the grounds.
CNLA is also active in public relations, promoting gardening to the general public at public shows, such as the Connecticut Flower and Garden show, and Connecticut Ag Expo. CNLA is the industry spokesman about plants and gardening with the news media.
CNLA also maintains a vigorous presence at the state capitol and in Washington, representing the views of the green industry in legislative, regulatory, and political matters.
CNLA is managed by a nine member Board of Directors, elected annually. The organization was first established in 1907.
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