2023 CNLA Winter Symposium Recap
The first fully in-person CNLA Winter Symposium since 2020 was a great success! We were thrilled to see everyone again and have rooms full of vendors, speakers, and attendees. Even with the bad weather on Wednesday, we were able to squeeze in a full day of programing and get everyone home before the worst of the storm hit.
We can’t thank our presenters enough for helping to make this an informative and exciting event. This also wouldn’t be possible without our sponsors and the hardworking CNLA Winter Symposium Committee.
In addition to the presentations, the Winter Symposium hosted the Connecticut Nurseryman’s Foundation and Connecticut Nursery and Landscape Association’s annual meetings. Rachel Blundon was awarded the CNLA Young Nursery Professional Award and Holly Johnson was awarded the CNLA Award of Merit. A new board of directors was voted in for 2023 with Chris Valley, CANP, as President, Matt Fitzpatrick, CANP, as Vice President, Kyle Roller, CANP as Secretary/Treasurer, Dustyn Nelson, CANP, as Immediate Past President, and Chris Goodwin, Bob Isleib, Dan Maki,CANP, Bill Palmer, CANP, and Casey Wade, CANP, as Directors. We also welcomed 12 new CANP’s after passing their test in November.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2023 CNLA Winter Symposium!